

Send us a message, ask us a question, submit an appointment request, or just say hello below!






    17306 Madison Avenue
    Lakewood, OH 44107

    Directions to get to our studio:

    We are located near the corner of Madison and Larchmont in Lakewood. There is a parking lot and street parking available. Only park in designated parking spots. Please check-in on the iPad. Help yourself to tea, water, coffee in the kitchen towards the back of the suite. Your clinician will come and get you at the time of your appointment. 

    Tremont (Cleveland)

    2189 Professor Avenue
    Cleveland, OH 44113

    Directions to get to our studio:

    There is street parking available, please check the signs on the street for parking restrictions. You will receive the code to the door via email and text. Please check-in on the iPad. Help yourself to tea, water, or coffee and have a seat in the lobby. Your clinician will come and get you at the time of your appointment.Â